Revolution Laundry is a compact laundromat module, created by KIS the R&D centre of Photo-Me® Group. The company is one of the world leaders in the design, manufacture and distribution of professional photographic printing equipment. KIS constantly strives to provide BtoB customers with innovative distribution services to make their daily life easier. Photo-Me® and KIS provide a variety of distribution solutions, such as photo printing kiosks, children’s play facilities, centrifuges and self-service laundromat.
Our French centre and its 100 employees occupy an area of 15,000 m² and have the strategic expertise to design machines self-service laundry distributed by the Photo-Me® Group and other partners.
From electronic products to quality management, from software design to machines and payment systems, the KIS team designs and produces all our laundrettes machines.
- Catégories Commerces/entreprises
- Site Web
- Téléphone 04 76 33 30 00
- Adresse All research and development work is mainly integrated in our factory in Echirolles, France. We also have support offices in Shanghai (China), Hanoi (Vietnam), Tokyo (Japan) and Lisbon (Portugal).